
Lillian McGill

Postdoctoral Researcher

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

About Me

Welcome! I am a postdoctoral researcher at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in the Semmens and Petrik Labs, where I work on modeling the fate and transport of pollutants from the recently rediscovered San Pedro Basin barrel field though the California pelagic food web. Broadly, I’m interested in harnessing quantitative methods to address questions in aquatic science. Working at spatial scales the size of continents and over time periods spanning decades, I’ve become adept gathering, wrangling, and integrating high volume data of various types to generate novel insights.

I obtained my PhD from University of Washington’s Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management program, where I worked with Drs. E. Ashley Steel and Gordon Holtgrieve. Ultimately, my research focused on understanding how river water source, temperature and hydrology have changed in the past and are likely to change in the future. My dissertation research aimed to help resource managers maintain ecosystem function and habitat by understanding what climate driven changes to rivers have already occurred and by developing inexpensive, broadly applicable tools to understand what river basins may be at risk in the future.


  • Quantitative methods
  • Aquatic ecology
  • Actionable science


  • PhD in Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management, 2022

    University of Washington

  • BS in Environmental Science & Applied and Computational Mathematics and Statistics, 2016

    University of Notre Dame

Recent Publications

Empirical stream thermal sensitivity cluster on the landscape according to geology and climate

Stream thermal sensitivity time series cluster by geology and climate.

The Music of Rivers: The Mathematics of Waves Reveals Global Structure and Drivers of Streamflow Regime

A global analysis of streamflow regimes.

A guide to forest–water management (Chapter 3: Manging Forests for Water)

A review of emerging techniques, methodologies, and guidance on how to manage forests for their water ecosystem services.

Spatiotemporal dynamics of water sources in a mountain river basin inferred through δ2H and δ18O of water

Geologic and discharge data was integrated with water isotopes to create a conceptual model of streamflow generation.

Elevation and spatial structure explain most surface-water isotopic variation across five Pacific Coast basins

We examined water stable isotopes across five Pacific Northwest rivers to see how isotope drivers and spatial patterns differed.
